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Fronteras Micro-Film Festival Screening

  • FUSION | The Cell 700 1st Street Northwest Albuquerque, NM, 87102 United States (map)

Visual Art | June 2–4 | Free

Fronteras Micro-Film Festival Screening and Interactive Art Installation
Friday, June 2: 5–9 PM (
ABQ Artwalk); Saturday, June 3: 10 AM–9 PM; Sunday, June 4: 12–5 PM

The Fronteras Micro-Film Festival Screening will feature films of three-minutes-or-less that address themes of borders, enforcement, and surveillance for a one-of-a-kind short film festival. Selected films will be exhibited within interactive art installations to provoke conversation and reflection.

The first goal of the Fronteras Micro-Film Festival is to re-imagine the short film festival. We will give filmmakers and audiences an experience that emerges from, and supports, short film. A strong theme and a decentralized viewing experience will make this possible.

The second goal is to provoke public conversation about national borders. We will solicit thirty-second to three-minute-long films, from local and international filmmakers, that address themes of borders, enforcement, and crossings.


Friday, June 2: 5 p.m.–9 p.m. (ABQ Artwalk)
Saturday, June 3: 10 a.m.–9 p.m.
Sunday, June 4: 12 p.m.–5 p.m.


Helen Atkins, Will Geusz, Phillip Torres, Jay Renteria, Jordyn Bernicke, Camille Carlson, Brandon Carter, James Rodriguez, Jacklyn Le, Alonso Indacochea, Ryan Lewis, Laura Morris, Andres Indacochea.


In 2020, amidst a global pandemic, the Dust Wave collective was founded to house our creative filmmaking pursuits, even though none of us at the time were part of the film or TV industry. In the interim, we’ve created web content, podcasts, and award-winning short films. We create films in a way where anyone can participate freely, in stark contrast to the industry standard 12+ hour day schedule, specialized roles, and exploitative conditions. Each project is democratically selected, and roles are interchanged to allow for exploration in all of the different interlinked skills and talents essential to filmmaking. We endeavor to create a sustainable space where filmmakers can still express themselves fully in a medium they love, while also being able to raise a family, sustain a relationship, or cook homemade meals in the evening. We integrate our families and friends into our films, and lean on our community for help and counsel. We are a diverse group of several dozen core members, with a majority Latinx background, all living and working in the Albuquerque/Santa Fe area.